As we wrap up the first half of the school year, we hope you enjoyed our holiday programs and celebrations. It is always fun to take time to celebrate our students.
You may have noticed your child reading more and more! Teachers and staff have been working with students to become fluent readers. Students check out books from our library, take quizzes on Book Taco (grades 2-4), and keep track of their reading progress. We want to build a love of reading while we practice our skills. A great evening activity is to read a book with your child before bedtime.
Allen Elementary Motto for 2024-2025: "High Expectations Unlock Greatness"
Our team developed our motto for this year at the beginning of the school year. We have spent time talking to students about how we can help them succeed. We want high expectations for everyone so our school can be a safe place for students to grow and achieve greatness.
Teachers have reached out to parents to have conferences, share information about student progress, and talk about any concerns. It takes all of us working together to unlock greatness for your child. Always feel free to reach out if you have any questions or want to know more about your child's progress. We are in this together!
- Ms. Smith, Principal